"Letter Written by William Judson Clark to Dorothy A. Six Clark Dated F" by William Judson Clark

Document Type

Personal Letter


[Translation begins]



Wednsday [sic]


My Dear Dottie,

It was good to hear from you.

I didn’t fly again today, - fog. That’s four damned days in a row so far and I’m getting damned sick of sittin’ around on my fuselage. God, I get in a hell of a mood when I don’t fly.

Who is Hilda? Are you talking about Hilda Bianco? It sounds familiar. What does she look like? Did I ever meet her? What about D. A., I mean the date for her, or whoever is coming?

And honey will you please tell me what difference it makes what kind of flowers I get you. That’s up to me to decide. I think I’m able to pick some that will go with your dress all right. Allright [sic] honey, give me credit for a little initiative and common sense.

Darling, I’ve told you what buses and trains there are from Atlanta, so do what you want to do. I asked you once to get down here by Wednsday [sic] but no, Friday it was to be. So why should I think anything I’d say now would make any difference. I’m leaving it all up to you, it doesn’t make any difference to me. No- I don’t mean that darling, but I told you what I’d like you to do, or what I thought would be best when I wrote you about the buses so what else am I to do? Why write your mother or mine; I told you, that’s all I think is necessary. Honey you’ve got a mind of your own, decide for yourself.

Honey your wedding dress sounds swell. I know I’ll like it, there’s not one of your dresses that I don’t like. Maybe it’s because you’re in them.

Honey I do love you so much, but sometimes you think of the darndest things. I know they seem important, but they’re so simply solved. They are important honey but some things are to be decided by you and some things by me that’s the way it has to be especially after we’re married when someday we might be confronted with a real problem. Naturally I expect to make most of the decisions after we’ve talked it over, but in some cases like one of the bus, I can just tell you what I think you should do, and you have to decide.

Well darling, I’ve got to eat now. I love you and still miss you more thank I’ll ever be able to tell you. I love you.

As ever,


[Translation ends]