"Letter Written by William Judson Clark to Dorothy A. Six Clark Dated F" by William Judson Clark

Document Type

Personal Letter


[Translation begins]


Friday 2030

My Darling,

What a day, what a weatherman. I told you it would be clear today gosh I was right for once, I can’t get over it.

Well at last, honey, I got in two hours of instruments today. Two solid hours or gazin’ at the gages but now I have 4:45 of instruments, 7:15 to go! I ought to get my check around the ninth hour. It was a beautiful day today. One of those days when there’s not a cloud in the sky that’s as blue as your eyes baby.

I’m so glad you quit that damn job honey. Not only because of you, but now you can write more often as you said. Selfish ain’t I? But it’s so good to hear from you, especially when we don’t fly and we’re all sitting around jumping down each other’s throats. We’ve been like a bunch of doomed men this week. I guess no matter how soft or hard we pilots pretend to be, we love one thing way down deep, the air- flying. We’re all like a bunch of fish out of water when we’re weathered in. Especially me.

Yeah, waddya know about that, the gin mills closing at 12. Gosh I’ll have to do some concentrated guzzling now. But as far as the jovial places of entertainment around here one concerned, they shouldn’t even bother to open them.

Say honey, find out what tube you need for your radio, the number of it and type. I might be able to get it for you through A.C.S. (Air Corps Supply). You can get everything from Brassieres to B-29’s through that outfit!

Well how did you like “The Ideal Marriage”? Learn anything new?

Honey, a bottle of scotch and you is all I want for graduation. You’re very sweet to want to give me an identification bracelet darling. I will have to have a now one anyhow because mine now has my serial number on it, and I get a new one when I graduate, (a new serial number).

Did you ever get your bracelet engraved? If so how much was it and what did you have put on it? I think you’ve already told me, but I must have forgotten.

Sarong like pajamas man that sounds terrific! Gosh baby, time sure is draggin! I’d like to see you trying to buy that night gown with the buttons down the front. I’ll bet you get some queer looks. I like pajamas though, believe it or not!

What do you mean you take a lousey [sic] picture. The only ones of you that aren’t good are ones where you’re not smiling, because you were meant to smile darling.

Don’t ask me why my address was changed.

This whole filed is screwed up. Everytime we go to the line we’re a new squadron. Today were 4-G, tomorrow God only knows.

I fly tomorrow, shoot skeet in the afternoon, and will probably be up half the night, as Base Operations has got something planned for then. No open Post, as usual. I plan to get a special pass next week to get the rings.

Honey if I knew how they picked 2nd Lieutenants out of these mad cadets I’d be a millionaire, or a General. They’re alot [sic] of surprises when that list goes up. Sometimes it seems like they pull the names out of a fish bowl. As for me, I don’t care all I want are the wings.

I haven’t seen “To Have and Have Not” yet. But I plan to as soon as it gets here. It looks terrific so does Lauren Bacall.

Gee it’s wonderful to be in love. For the first time I know that it’s real. Darling, I’ll go on loving you always, with all my heart and soul.

Goodnight angel, fifteen more days and I’ll be able to kiss you goodnight. But until then darling, I think of you every minute.

I love you, so deeply that sometimes it hurts.

You have all my love and devotion-



[Translation ends]