"Letter Written by Dorothy A. Six Clark to William Judson Clark Dated O" by Dorothy A. Six Clark

Document Type

Personal Letter

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All rights retained by Bryant University


Dorothy Six
8 Brookside Avenue
Pelham 65, New York

A/C Judson Clark
Sqdrn 5 Class 45-A
Cadet Detachment
Stewart Field
Newburgh, New York

[Transcription begins]:

Dearest Judson—

What a day. This morning the sun was shinning (we’re debating now about how many n’s to put in) and when I got off the train it began to rain. What a day. We have a huge problem because the sun just came out and now we don’t know whether to go out or not.

Golly, it’s really awful. You know U-12 is home now and honestly, every time I go out with someone, it just makes me appreciate you so much. Every date I have just makes me miss you so much. It’s getting pretty bad.

What have you been doing? Have you been flying every day? Oh, do I write often enough? Every day, so far.

Well, it’s about four hours since I started I started [sic] this letter. I’m exhausted now because we’ve been showing all day. I could cheerfully crawl in to a hole & just sleep. This will be fairly short because it’s almost time to go home.

Well, honey, please write soon. I love you. You can’t imagine how much going out this week has made me appreciate you. I’ll have to tell you more about that when you get home.

Lots of love,
[Transcription ends]