"Letter Written by Dorothy A. Six Clark to William Judson Clark Dated " by Dorothy A. Six Clark

Document Type

Personal Letter

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All rights retained by Bryant University


[Transcription begins]:
Thursday night

Dearest Judson,

Just finished writing a letter to you. Now I’ll answer your second letter. Because you didn’t fly on Wednesday, does that mean that you’ll have to fly on Saturday afternoon? I’m glad that you got a little sleep anyway.

You really surprised me when you answered all those questions.

Well, hon, you tried to get a date for Woody so if you can’t, you just can’t. Well, Tom Kennedy’s getting engaged, maybe, sorta lets him out. I hardly think Woody would appreciate a married man. Well, if you can get somebody it will be nice but thanks for trying anyway.

Are you kidding. I’d love to go to the Meadow Brook. You know how I love Harry James but you don’t like him do you? I have a vague idea how to get there but I could never actually get there by myself.

Well, honey, maybe some Saturday night when we don’t have anything special to do we could go to a show or something with your mother & sister. I know they’d like to see more of you because they both are crazy about you. It’s wonderful to have such a nice brother & son, I’ll bet.

I love the way you causually [sic] mention the fact that you are in love. Are you really sure about that “good friend” stuff? Please stop trying to talk yourself out of love. You might succeed & then where would I be?

Now, wait a minute—I’m slightly confused. I asked you why you don’t want to get too serious. Then you said it’s too serious already as far as you were concerned & that you didn’t think it’s fair to either of us with the war & things as they are. And that you weren’t the type of guy who will let himself get in too deep. That needs more explaining. I don’t know if I understand what you mean. I agree with your instructor about your judgement [sic] not being so good—Just in regard to me, though.

Just one more night and I’ll be seeing you again. What will the weeks seem like after you go to another field and don’t get home for months at a time?

About the other fellows I like—I’ll have to try and explain the situation to you sometime. It’s really very simple when you understand it (of course I don’t but that’s beside the point.)

I’d like to write more but it’s time for dinner and I want to go to bed right after dinner. Last week is really catching up with me now. I yawn all the time & when we’re showing it’s an effort not to yawn in the buyers’ faces.

Tommy Dorsey’s playing on the ballroom now & Frankie’s singing. Ah—

You said something about calling tonight if you didn’t have to fly & every time the phone rings I tear madly downstairs to answer it.

Honey, what’s going to happen about the game Saturday? From the way things look now you’ll probably have to fly Saturday afternoon. Daddy wants me to go fishing with him, so if you have to fly I’d spend a lovely day with some smelly old fish—Get a nice windburn and cold, too, probably but I love fishing.

Well, darling, I’ll see you Saturday. I love you very much. Please write whenever you get time.

Lots of love,

P. S. You just called and it was so nice to hear your voice again. I can hardly wait until Saturday night. I love you so much, darling.
[Transcription ends]