"Letter Written by William Judson Clark to Dorothy A. Six Clark Dated M" by William Judson Clark

Document Type

Personal Letter


Translation begins]


Wednsday [sic]


My Darling

Well here I am in the middle of the great Florida badlands. I feel like I’m overseas. This place is like a combat airdrome. We stay at aut #6 to Eqlin, a little field with about twelve buildings.

The trip down was rough. We traveled on Army buses (they call them) and had a blowout every hour on the hour. We left Craig at six and got here at four this afternoon, and we’re all feeling like the whole victory garden.

I started classes this afternoon at 4:15 after dumping our stuff in the B.O.Q.

We’re going to be kept pretty busy so maybe the time will go fast, gosh I hope so honey. I miss you so much already. These past few days have been wonderful darling. I’m so glad everything worked out O.K. with us. I knew it would in time but sure did run into some complications. We were both just trying too hard honey.

It’s lousey [sic] that we have to be separated like this now darling, but I’m glad to be getting it over with. I’d have to go so it might as well be now, and it’s only for 17 days.

There’s absolutely nothing to do down here. We’re thirty miles from what is considered civilization in these parts and there’s no transportation, and anyhow we’re restricted to the post.

We can get beer in the Officer’s Club here Saturday night and every other night they show movin’ –pictures so I guess we can keep our morale from burying itself in the ground.

I’m sending you this check honey, I can’t cash it here it’s not endorsed.

Well darling I’ve got to get some sleep I’m kinda shot, wonder why. Honey I love you so much someday I hope we’ll be able to have some time together. If the weather is good it won’t be so much longer darling.

Take care of yourself and be a good girl until I come back.

I love you angel, with all my heart and soul. It will be that way always.

Your devoted husband,


[Translation ends]