"Letter Written by William Judson Clark to Dorothy A. Six Clark Dated N" by William Judson Clark

Document Type

Personal Letter

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All rights retained by Bryant University


A/C Judson Clark
Sqdn 5 Class 45-A
Cadet Detachment
Stewart Field, N. Y.

Miss Dorothy Six
8 Brookside Ave
Pelham, 65
New York

[Transcription begins]:


My Dearest Dottie,

Hello, how are you? It seems I haven’t seen you in months, darling, and it’s only been about twenty-eight hours. Every one seems to get longer and longer.

Did you get to bed early Sunday night, young lady?

You’d better have, you must have been tired, I know I was. I’m going to hit the sack right after I mail this. I feel like the wreck of the Hesperus.

Did you have any snow down thar in New York? We had our first snow squall today, and man, is it cold. I was flying the first period this morning, and I could see the storm coming in from the North West like a huge white curtain. It was the first time I ever saw a snow storm from the air. It didn’t stick though, but it was snow. I knew something important had to happen this week.

I’ve been looking over the financial situation, hon, and allowing for everything, a small amount of recreation included, I ought to have $4.38 saved by March if I budget myself very carefully. Not bad for me, eh? But seriously, angel, it’s not as bad as all that. I’ve got some pretty good ideas as to how to raise some money, and I was talking to a fellow here that just bought an engagement and a wedding ring, and they’re not too expensive, at least not $500. But as you said before, you don’t get married every day, so by God we’re going to have the best. But most of all, darling, I want you to be happy. If there is ever any doubt in your mind, just let me know.

We’ve still got a lot of things to settle, hon. I want to have a long talk with you this weekend.

Oh by the way, have you told your father yet? I wonder what he’ll have to say. Maybe I better send him another carton of cigarettes.

Well hon, the sergeant just finished drawing my bath, I don’t want to keep him waiting. Give my best to your family. Your mother is really marvelous. I love you. Take care of yourself and get some sleep. I think of you always honey, and miss you terribly.

All my love
[Transcription ends]