"Letter Written by Dorothy A. Six Clark to William Judson Clark Dated O" by Dorothy A. Six Clark

Document Type

Personal Letter

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All rights retained by Bryant University


Dorothy Six
8 Brookside Avenue
Pelham 65, New York

A/C Judson Clark
Sqdrn 5, Class 45-A
Cadet Detachment
Stewart Field
Newburgh, New York

[Transcription begins]:

Dearest Judson—

Just got back from Woody’s. What an afternoon! We laughed and laughed & then laughed some more. That girl is so funny! She’s going to go to some dramatic school & she was telling us some of the things she was going to have to do. If you can get a date for her, I’m sure he’d have a good time. She isn’t beautiful by any means (who is these days) but she is so funny. I’ve never been out on a date with her but she is a riot all the time. She really is a swell girl & loves people with a sense of humor. I like her loads. I had a wonderful time over there but they got so tired of hearing Judson. Judson & Judson say [sic] this. They were going to murder me. Maybe we’d better change your name to something like Mergatroid or maybe Joe. There were two other girls there. Shirley & Nancy. When Shirley heard me say that you might get Woody a date she almost was down on her knees begging me to get her one. Shirley is funny too. She’s got a voice like a hacksaw going to work but she’s cute & very tall. Between the three of us, we almost had hysterics.

Guess what—I was telling them about the Rodeo & got them all excited, so next Saturday there are going to be about seven girls going riding. It’s going to be so funny. None of us can ride well & three of them have never been riding before. That should be something. I can just imagine what a mad house it’s going to be.

By the way, how do you like this. This is the second letter I’ve written to you today! How’s that?

Oh, I had planned to tell the fellow I was supposed to go to the movies with tonight that I couldn’t go out. Everything turned out fine anyway because he had a sick grandmother—(sounds phoney come to think of it).

Judson, you’re really so sweet. I think you’re the first boy I’ve ever really appreciated. You’re almost too good to be true—I hope that you don’t change.

Wonder how those pictures will turn out. Honestly, someday I’ll have a good picture taken. By the way, don’t forget that promise you made to send me those pictures of you in your fatigues!!

It’s very annoying. There are so many things that I wanted to ask you but whenever you get here they slip my mind. You still haven’t answered that question I asked you—remember? It’s awfully hard to answer, huh?

Weekends should be extended. They’re wonderful things. When you stop getting home weekends, it’ll be tragic! Let’s not think about that. There were a lot of questions I wanted to ask you about the first night you came home & called me. Whenever I’m writing you, they just get lost. Remind me next weekend to talk to you about that. Sometimes I think a plane is mighty tough competition! Never having competed with a plane before, I wouldn’t know, but I’m beginning to wonder.

Do you know what time you’re going to get home next weekend or what we’re going to do? If you don’t want privacy (and I guarantee you won’t have it) we could stay here & sit in front of the fireplace. Wouldn’t it be nice if you flew all weekend (don’t get excited) and had all week off & could be home? I’ll have to take that up with Frank.

Please write soon. It seems as though you’d been away for ages already. This is getting “worser & worser.” Every week gets longer. Oh well, that’s life.

Did I sign that letter I wrote this afternoon. It doesn’t seem to me that I did. Must be love—

Lots of love,
[Transcription ends]