"Letter Written by William Judson Clark to Dorothy A. Six Clark Dated N" by William Judson Clark

Document Type

Personal Letter

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All rights retained by Bryant University


A/C Judson Clark
Sqdrn 5 Class 45-A
Cadet Detachment
Stewart Field, N. Y.

Miss Dorothy Six
8 Brookside Ave.
Pelham, 65
New York

[Transcription begins]:

Hello Darling,

Another drinkin’ train ride. I think it would be a lot better for me if I walked back to the field.

Tom dragged me to the movies tonight. “When Irish Eyes are Smiling” was there. It wasn’t bad. Dick Haymes really has a sharp voice.

Gee I felt so alone when I left you this afternoon. It’s funny, darling, but I think I fell in love with you all over again this weekend for the sixth, or is it the seventh time. Last week I didn’t think I could love you anymore than I did then, but I do, a thousand times more. You were so sweet this weekend. You looked so marvelous even better than you usually do. Gosh I love you. This weekend went by so unbelievably fast. Now it will be six gruesome days before I see you again, and it will seem like six years. As mom said, it’s terrible to be in love, (it says here) (in fine print)

And darling, take care of yourself, and don’t drink anymore cokes. Gee whiz, if cokes affect you like that, what will champaigne (I can’t spell it) do.

I’ll think of you every minute of this long week darling. I love you so much, there are no words to express how I feel toward you, just—I love you.

As ever
[Transcription ends]