"Letter Written by Dorothy A. Six Clark to William Judson Clark Dated N" by Dorothy A. Six Clark

Document Type

Personal Letter

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All rights retained by Bryant University


Miss Dorothy Six
NEW YORK 18, N. Y.

A/C Judson Clark
Sqdrn 5, Class 45-A
Cadet Detachment
Stewart Field, New York

[Transcription begins]:
Monday (at work)

Dearest Judson—

Golly, honey, everyone knows now—They’re all a riot. Everyone was so surprised. Carol wouldn’t believe the ring was mine. Honestly, honey, they’re all as excited as I am.

Last night Gilly called but I was asleep and said that Lonnie Ring was killed. I haven’t found out how or when or where or anything yet but I’m going to see her tonight for a few minutes.

I won’t be able to write to you tonight, darling because Daddy and I are going to the show. I’ll try to make this a real long letter but this atmosphere is not the best for letter writing.

Everyone thinks that the ring is beautiful. It’s really the prettiest that I have ever seen. You have very good taste, hon. I just sit and look at the ring & dream—(don’t ask what I’m dreaming about). You’re so sweet & wonderful, honey and I’m so happy. It just doesn’t seem possible that we’re really engaged and getting married in March, honey. It does seem so wonderful.

This week will probably drag awfully, darling because I can hardly wait to see you again. I love you so. There were a million things that I wanted to write you last night but I was so tired & just had to go to sleep so I couldn’t.

I do love you so. More than I’ll ever be able to tell you.

Did you think of anything you’d like for Christmas, honey. Everything I can think of just isn’t any good because you have it. You’re so hard to give something to.

Darling, what are we going to do this weekend? Is Steve coming down? He has asked Woody for a date, as you already know, probably. If he goes out with her Friday night she’s going to get home early but if they go out Saturday night she’s staying at my house. That system worked out fine last weekend.

What do you think of their falling in love or have they. Honestly, so many things happened last weekend. The ring is so lovely. It looks so beautiful. Maybe tomorrow night I’ll be able to take it back and get it made smaller. Honey, it’s just about going to kill me to take it off & be away from it for a whole however long it takes.

I love you so, Judson—I never dreamed that I could love anyone as much as I love you. March seems centuries away.

Jackie was in today & just left to get the license. She’s so lucky to be getting married day after tomorrow but I don’t exactly envy her because she’s not marrying you. She’ll be happy, I hope but not as happy as we’ll be.

Love is awful sometimes. You know, honey, love is supposed to take away your appetite but it certainly hasn’t affected mine in the least.

Honey, I’m so happy. A little tired but very happy. People around here are all going crazy. There are only going to be three models left who aren’t married. They’re all going around real gloomy like (what English!) and wondering which one of them will be next because everything is supposed to happen in threes.

The other night, about a week ago, I had a wierd [sic] dream—about a zoo & snakes. When you dream about snakes it’s supposed to mean a death & I’ve been so worried about it ever since & now it’s happened—Lonnie. I feel so awful about that. Probably if it were any other time but after our engagement I would feel much worse, but now I’m so completely unconscious that nothing really sinks in.

Honey, what do you think our wedding will be like. Probably a mad house. We’re going to be so busy (mother & I). If I go out to see you get your wings (do you still want me to?), that will make things so—someone just started talking to me & I’ll be damned if I can remember what I was going to say.

This is the last piece of paper I have here & I’m too lazy to get up & get some more so I’m writing as small as I can. I love you so.

Do you have any more idea about how much time they’ll give you for Christmas, honey? I hope that you have a long time & that we get a few days off. What a day! It’s pouring and you probably won’t be able to fly. I hope it’s clear the rest of the week so that you’ll get Saturday off.

Golly, honey, I love you so. This week will drag so. I wish it were Friday now so that you’d be getting home tonight.

Well, honey, this is the last piece of paper so I’ll have to sorta end soon—I hate to end a letter. It’s almost like saying goodnight.

Do you think Steve will be best man. That would be so romantic if Woody & he got married afterwards. Woody was a wee bit dazed. I’ve never seen anything like it. Please tell me what Steve thinks of the whole thing. You’re just being stubborn. It’s to satisfy my own curiosity because after all, I feel sorta responsible. Steve & Woody do look cute together, though.

Honey, is the air show this weekend? Will you have to fly in it, honey? I’d like to come up & see you just once again before you leave. Maybe Woody could go up, too. Do you think you’re going to get off Friday night? That would really be swell—A whole day! That certainly would be a novelty.

Do you think we’ll fight much, honey? Probably about whether you’ll wear your overcoat or not. Don’t forget to bring it home with you this weekend. I don’t want you to catch a cold or anything.

How do you feel now? Have you caught up on your sleep yet, honey? Try to get a lot of sleep during the week so that you won’t be too sleepy & tired this weekend.

Did you find out about meeting the fellows Friday night? Of course, you know I hope you don’t want to go but if you do, darling, go ahead & have a good time.

Well, darling, I love you very much. Please try to write soon.

All my love,
[Transcription ends]