"Letter Written by Dorothy A. Six Clark to William Judson Clark Dated N" by Dorothy A. Six Clark

Document Type

Personal Letter

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All rights retained by Bryant University


[Transcription begins]:

Dearest Judson,

This will be a real quick one. It’s almost four now & we’re getting ready to go to the wedding. It’s not til 6:30 but we’re going out first. I have to run back to Macy’s and exchange something at four thirty. It’s pouring out now.

Golly, honey, I miss you so. It’s terrible to be away from you for so long. Well, if you get home on Friday night it will be wonderful. Then it will only be two days & one night until you’re home again.

Well, loads has happened since I began this. Jackie’s married now. She looked beautiful. It made me so lonesome, honey, to see the wedding. It was awful not to be getting married until March. She looked so happy.

Before I forget, darling, Woody’s address is 66 Magnolia Avenue, Mt. Vernon, N. Y. Will Steve get home this weekend. What’s O. D. Officer of the Day or something else? Can’t he get home after that or will it be too late. I hope he’s coming home on Sunday (I mean to Pelham) because we were going to have he & Woody over for turkey. Ask him if he can make it?

If you get off Friday, darling, call me if you get in New York at CHickering 4-6030 (dial CH) & I can go home on the train with you or are you planning to hitch hike down? It would be so wonderful if they let you off on Friday. Maybe the weekend wouldn’t fly quite so fast.

What a night. It poured—we got lost & couldn’t find the church. It was quite a mixup.

Well, honey, I can’t write much now because it’s late. I love you so.

You’re so sweet & thoughtful, hon. There’ll never be anyone half as wonderful as you are. I love you.

All my love,

P. S. I’ll try to write twice tomorrow but the pictures are going to get taken again. I love you.
[Transcription ends]