"Letter Written by William Judson Clark to Dorothy A. Six Clark Dated D" by William Judson Clark

Document Type

Personal Letter

Rights Management

All rights retained by Bryant University


[Transcription begins]:



This was supposed to be the longest weekend I’ve had, but to me it seemed like the shortest. Time is one thing we never seem to have enough of, darling. Won’t it seem funny after the war when we won’t have to watch clocks, or hurry to trains?

I hated to leave today darling. You looked so lovely. As usual I fell in love with you all over again this weekend; but this time it was something different. Something I can’t explain, hon. I loved you so much Friday, I didn’t think I could love you any more, but I do, a thousand times more. I feel we’re much closer now, than we’ve ever been. Honey, in a way it’s good that I’ve only got four weeks left. March is a long way off.

Darling, I was going to make this a long letter tonight, but I just found out that there is going to be an emergency Air Raid drill at nine tonight, so I’ll have to cut it short.

Steve sends his best to you and Woody, he’ll write Woody tomorrow.

I love you darling, more than I ever thought I could love anyone. Please take care of your sweet self, and stay off that ankle until it’s better.

Give my best to your wonderful mother & father. And for their daughter—a thousand kisses,—a heartful of love.

As ever Judd
[Transcription ends]