"Letter Written by William Judson Clark to Dorothy A. Six Clark Dated D" by William Judson Clark

Document Type

Personal Letter

Rights Management

All rights retained by Bryant University


[Transcription begins]:


Dearest Dottie,

I’m sorry I couldn’t write you a longer letter last night, honey. We were busy with that air raid drill until after taps. And before I forget to tell you, angel, don’t tell anyone about it will you. That’s just the sort of stuff that starts these crazy rumors about the V-3’s, or air raids on New York, you know what I mean. And don’t you worry about it, honey, it was just a routine drill, we’ve had them before.

Today was a beautiful day. I flew Instruments for two hours this morning, knocking off some of the extra time I’ve got to get in the next three weeks. The latest rumor going around now is that we’ll get off the 23rd regardless of whether we’ve gotten the required extra thirty hours in or not, but it’s strictly a rumor. In the army they fly thick and fast. Another on[e] has it that we’re going to Kansas for advanced, but that’s strickly [sic] stuff. No one knows where we’re going, but I imagine we’ll stay in the East. Gosh I hope it’s not too far away from you, darling, it’s bad enough being only fifty miles away.

I’m glad Woody can make it this weekend. I don’t know what time I’m getting off Saturday, but the ground display is open at nine in the morning, so I imagine I’ll have all Saturday off. If I do you can come up early. When I find out I’ll call Mom, and she can get in touch with you.

I sure hope this week goes fast and doesn’t drag like the last one. That was the worst yet. The more I see of you, hon, the longer the time seems that we’re apart; the shorter it seems when we’re together.

Did you go to work today? I hope your ankle is better, hon. You should have stayed off of it this weekend, you’ve got to take it easy with something like that. I can just see me trying to keep you in bed on a weekend. Hmm—come to think of it, sounds like a pretty good job to me, er—how’s your cold?

Well darling, I’ve got some homework to do. I’d like to write all night, sweetheart, but Uncle Sam doesn’t think I ought to.

I love you darling, more than any amount of the words in my limited vocabulary could ever tell you. You’re just too sweet & wonderful to be true, and I still say I’m the luckiest guy in the world.

Give my best to everyone. I love you and miss you terribly, angel. Goodnight—

[Transcription ends]