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Personal Letter

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At Camp

27 September 1944

My darling Dream-girl,

Today I hit the jackpot. I received a letter from Lollie Black, and 4 letters from you my darling of which 2 were birthday greeting cards. Lollie writes that the town is pretty empty now and that after the war she’d like very much to get together with us. They are a regular couple, aren’t they? I’m going to drop her a line this evening. Adds too, that she saw Bill, Rae and Simma at New Year’s Services at the Temple.

Sweetheart, are you getting mail regularly from me? Better get used to that long contemplated absence of mail, my precious. If you get too anxiour [sic] for mail, just drop yourself a letter and sign my name to it. After all, you know my style. (Writing letters as well as other things).

Putzie-Pie, your birthday cards were darling. The one of the ship was particularly apropos. Now to relate my daily doings: I attended Yom Kipper Services this morning. Very nice services and attended by quite a congregation. It seems that the closer we get to the war zone that the greater appeal religion has to soldiers. After the services I planned to “laze” around all day long, but I got involved with some court martial cases and it took all my time thereafter. I’m becoming quite an authority on the court martial. After all, I’ve handled so many of them.

Adorable wife, I’ve got to break into this letter to tell you how much I idolize you. Buzz, you’re not beautiful; you have a poor shape (part of which is my fault) but gosh you make goose pimples come all over me when I think about you. Why? Because I exist only to be with you forever and ever. Darling, this isn’t flattery, it’s cold, hard facts.

This post here offers the men outstanding entertainment. Tonight I say a Broadway cast put on “Panama Hattie” (a stream-lined version). The show was excellent—really first rate. These shows often go overseas to entertain the man [sic]. The show was really & truly professional in every respect. Fast and Funny.

Darling, your mail is not censored on its way to me, mine is spot checked on its way to you. N’est-ce pas?

I’m glad you got Sanford his ring. It’s a life long gift and something he will cherish always. Are you putting our initials on the back of the ring?

Lovely one, when you finish decorating the room, I would like to have a picture of the room—call in an outside photographer, if necessary, or you might even try your hand at night photography. Speaking about photography—has your camera been repaired? Are you send [sic] me the camera you recently purchased?

About my trip to N.Y. there’s not much to write. I went into the city primarily to call you and do some shopping of small items. Sometimes I wonder how I can carry all the stuff I accumulate. Golly! I bought a very fine pocket knife with many features. It contains 2 blades, 1 bottle opener, 1 can opener (very good for “C” rations), 1 awl (to punch holes in leather, etc.) and one cork “puller outer” to pull the cork out from champagne bottles. That’s me, always looking ahead. Sweetheart, we had a good dinner, went to the show (Jarret and me) and then went back to camp. Boy, if you were there, we should have done a lot different—but I’m glad you weren’t there as we’d have gone through some more good-byes and I just don’t have the strength to go through them. Also I may not have been as “good” as I was that Saturday night and may have detracted from that “super” time reputation which I claim. Golly, what an egotist I’m developing to! I remember times though when you were very perturbed with me, too.

You know, ever since I (you) put that bracelet on I haven’t taken it off. I’ve received many compliments on it and have developed an ever-growing fondness for it. Thanks again.

Bubs, I’m going to begin using V-mail letters as well as the air mail letters. After all, I’ve got to have this stationary [sic] stretch as far as it will go.

About your relations with the folks. Don’t be too “chummy-wummy” but just pleasant. My dad is a good Joe so if you can give him a break sometime so much the good. Anything you do I’ll back you up to the hilt—wherever I may be.

Give everybody my best regards. Now, about those Xmas cards. I happened to think of Mrs. Hirschfield (Sylvia) who does designing & art work. Why don’t you write her and ask her if she can contact some of her acquaintances to do the job. I’m sure she’ll be able to give you a lead. Bye for now with all my love for you.


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