
Edith Speert

Document Type

Personal Letter


[Translation begins]

Wednesday – 6:45 p.m.

8/8/45 – In bed-

Sweetheart darling-

Gee, I’m awfully tired tonight, but also, very, very happy, because today I rec’d your air mail dated 8/3. Isn’t that terrific time? Also, I rec’d your v-mail 7/30 + 8/1 + two “full” letters. I heard from Cpl. Fred L. today - - he just got his new stripe!! I rec’d mail from Harold + Alma who are now in Quincy, Mass. Harold is going to school at Hingham- only 6 mo. from where they live. They are sharing an apt with another couple.

Everyone thought the P.T. meeting a “big success” last night with the exception of yours truly. How could it be a success if only 16 parents showed up – why that’s less than half our enrollment.

By the way, there’s a bill before the Senate—Maternal + Child Health Bill, which, if passed, would continue on the work that the Landham Fund started. In other worlds, day nurseries would really get a terrific build-up! I’m going to write for a copy of this bill.

We used the children’s dining room for the meeting last night + had it decorated with flowers, etc. + we served cookies + tea. I spoke on the child’s routine in school + “threw” most of my statements comments + suggestions, which I got. We did have our most intelligent mothers at the meeting!

Today, a new child, Marguerite Newman, 2 yrs. – 9 mos., entered + she is really interesting since bother her parents are social workers and both her parents are German-Jewish refugees. She speaks English as well as German. So far, she seems like a very well adjusted child.

Tomorrow I’m taking a whole day off; but dammit, I haven’t a thing to do + shall probably waste the entire day. Nertz!

The analysis of your palm is interesting but honey, I don’t put two much faith in those things.

Yesterday as I got into the car to go to work I felt something bite me or sing me + gosh did it ache! I immediately went into the house + washed it with alcohol. This a.m. the whole area on the side of my knee was red + burned, so I went over to the Health Center + they said I have a violent reaction to some bug bite. So, I’ve been bathing my knee all evening in Epson salts on their recommendation. Of all the silly things to happen – that “takes the cake”.

Dad is hoping to have some shoes the 10th of this month. IF he doesn’t get any, I’ll go downtown + try to hunt you up a pair.

About going back to school – well, the ore I think about it the less I think I’ll go back. Maybe I’ll take a course or two at Cleve College, but in view of my present job, I don’t think I could go to school + ably perform my capacity as director. Frankly, in the future, I think my experience will be much more valuable than my studies. Also, I like the money I’m making, + altho’ I don’t put alot [sic] of emphasis on material things, you + I both know we’ll need plenty of money when you get home to get the kind of set-up we finally decide on. And, also, I love to take vacations with pay.

I understand there are several Army Univ. Centers. Are officers privileged to file to go to one? -- Have you filed?

From The [Railspitter?]

I gather there’s plenty of sport meets etc. Also, I read Jack Benny + his team gave a show round your parts. How’s come you didn’t attend, or was it just for the SM’s?

This afternoon I learned Russia declared war on Japan. Good for them! I’m looking for a sudden ending to this war very shortly.

As for this atomic bomb- are (the world) we civilized to such degree as to have such a powerful weapon in our midst? Will we know enough to arbitrate our Future difficulties, or will this atomic bomb eventually be the destruction of this world?

Darling- Bubsie dear, I love only for the day when we can be together.

I love you very much.


[Translation ends]