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Personal Letter

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Saturday night 11-4-44

My darling,

This evening I got ambitious and answered five letters: Lolly, Harriet Filiurin, Kitty Speert, Rhoda Menshel, and Fred Livingston. Gosh, Saturday night seems always to be just the night I’m in the mood for answering letters.

No mail at all today. Are we slippin’?

Well, I managed to live through a whole day of work today. Things didn’t go too badly even though we were short staffed. I took about six of the older children this morning down to the basement of the church and we explored the storage room, the basement proper, and the furnace room. It was a rainy day, so it was ideal for this type of excursion. The children really enjoyed themselves. They were thoroughly fascinated when they walked into the dark furnace room and saw the fire in the furnace making shadows on the coal bin. It was beautiful to see the red flames seemingly eating up the coal bin. The children haven’t stopped talking about it yet!

Uk came down and helped out in the afternoon. Both of us took the kids (about 6 of them) for a short ride to the Art Museaum [sic] to see if the swans and the ducks were still in the pond although it was raining. They were. And the children, being smart, insisted if those white birds could stay in the rain, they could too. I had a hard time getting out of that one!

Let Uk drive the car for awhile this afternoon. She is learning! We drove up to where Dad had the car fixed and he just rechecked the motor and told me that he finds everything in good condition, and that the car would have a little more “guts” as soon as some things (I forgot the name, but I believe he said “rings”) loosen up! He advised putting in some anti-freeze, since today was really, really cold. I took it up to Dad’s station on Kinsman and he did it up with Preston[e] for me. Cost me $5. But it is suppose[d] to be good for the whole winter. Hope so!

Darling, I’ve been so busy, I haven’t had a chance to read anything but Coronet. Gosh, there are so many books I had hoped to read this winter. Bet you get more reading done than I will!

Bubsie darling, remember our Saturday night parties in Lawton--gosh, we sure did entertain expensively, but it was fun, and you learned to be a “beer guzzler.” Do you think in your middle age you will be able to cultivate a “beer belly?” I’m sure anything you will cultivate I will adore, because you [are] the most marvelous, wonderful husband I could ever wish for--even when you holler at me! Sweetheart, you also, have the cutest little “tushie” in the world. I’d show it off with the best of them, but there are none better. I love you and every little tiny part of you!


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