
Edith Speert

Document Type

Personal Letter

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Friday afternoon


My dearest darling--

Thought I’d start a letter to you during the children’s nap period, because I’ll be coming home late tonight & I don’t know whether or not I’ll get around to writing you.

Tomorrow I work from 8-12--but that means I have to get up at 6:15 to make a 7:12 Rapid. Yep, it sure is hard to get around from where I reside.

We’re not having a teachers’ meeting today after all, because we haven’t got a volunteer who can come in early enough in the aft. to be with the children during their rest hour. However, Mrs. Bennett & I had a nice talk this a.m.! Also, we’re going to try to make out a schedule for a month at the [sic] time--good idea, so then, I’ll have an idea on how to plan my time.

Still feel pretty weak today from “the curse”--sure wish you could rub my tummy! Gosh hon--when I had a normal sex life, I don’t think I felt as sick, or, am I rationalizing!?!

Gosh, I have the nicest thoughts sometimes. Today, as I was walking to get the Rapid, I kept seeing you at the breakf. table with me, & then, we both went upstairs to the nursery so you could say “good by” before you went to work to your little son and daughter. Pleasant thoughts, en what?

Mom just called me to tell me to call Amy Embry. Also, she said Sadie got a letter from you from England. As yet, however, I haven’t heard from you, but then, I’m looking forward to the aft. mail (at 4:30) to bring me mail from you.

(At home 11 p.m.)


At 2:45 p.m. I felt a terrific “quake” & when we turned the radio on, we learned that there was a fire at the E. A. Gas Co. When we looked out of the window, we could see the flames. To make the long, gruesome story short, it seems, so the rumor goes, that sabotage was working again. Anyhow, hundreds of people are injured or homeless, & there are quite a number of dead. From E40 Euclid-Lake Shore to E.79 Euclid-Lake Shore, they have asked people to evacuate as the fire seems to be in the gas lines. Also, almost the whole N.E. section have [sic] been asked to turn off their gas.

I worked late tonight as some of my kids turned out to be “evacuees”--one or two, I believe, are now homeless.

Then I went to do my volunteer work at 71st & Hough. Well, we got little or nothing done in dramatics so we tried to keep the kids off the street, anyhow, by having social dancing. Then, we were more of a receiving station than anything else--directing people where to go for food, housing, etc. It is pathetic & the poor, of course, bear the “blunt” [sic] of it.

I am exhausted. Met Dad & Mom at the Sovereign. (They were visiting [the] Weingartens whose gas is also off) & they took me home.

I am upset, dear! But I guess that’s life--& life can be brutal!

Called your Mom--she got panicky thinking I was in the critical area. Then, she asks me if she can help. Gosh, if she can’t control herself, how can she control others?

Well, your folks got mail from you, too! Why not me?--But I’m sure I’ll hear tomorrow. Amy, also, had mail from Earl. She told Mom. As yet, however, I haven’t been able to contact her!

Bubsie, I got good hrs. at work, I think. Every day 10-6, except Tues. 8:30-4:30 & Sat. 8-12:30. Not bad, eh what?

Must get some sleep--more tomorrow.

Yours forever,


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