
Harry I. Golub


World War II


[Transcription begins]

Navy Section Base
Woods Hole, Mass.
29 July 1942

Chairman, Bryant Service Club
Bryant College
Providence, R.I.

Dear Sir:

I received your package of cigarettes yesterday, and was the most surprised and happiest fellow on the Base. It’s nice to know that they haven’t forgotten you--that the place that holds so many memories for you still holds memories of the boys and girls.

You ask about my work--one subject that I cannot talk about. I can say that I’m a Yeoman in the office of a Lieut. Commander, his “private” until he enlarges his staff and has several “privates.” So far the work has been interesting and exciting. Here’s hoping I never get put on routine, dry stuff and nonsense! The hours are 24½ hours per day--on call. Actually work only about 12 hours daily with the exception that maybe three times during a week we may go for 19 or 20 hours straight. Being at a Base is much different than being in a big city.

But with all of that, if any of the boys are wondering whether to join this or that branch of the service, give them my advice and tell them to join the Navy. They’ll never meet a better bunch of fellows, not ever meet better and more interesting officers, nor will they enjoy themselves as much. Tell them not to worry about hours--there are only a few offices that have to stay open and have enough work for 24 hours a day. I happen to be in one of them.

Thanks again for the cigs. I’ll use them and think of the “good old days--when ----.”

Harry I. Golub, Y3/c [Transcription ends]