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[Transcription begins]
7 December 1944
Dear Friends,
Your Christmas package was most welcome to me over on this side of the world. It really lifts a fellow up considerably when he knows that all his old friends back home are still thinking about him. I only wish I could be in Berlin or Tokyo this December 7th but maybe next December 7th this will be all over and all of us will be back home celebrating ‘Victory of US’.
I can truthfully say that I have enjoyed myself since coming over here and participating in the Invasion of Southern France. After this comes to an end and I get back I will be able to tell quite a story. The people over here treat us very well and it is quite an education to see all these historical places. It is something that I won’t forget for some time to come.
Everything is going fine aboard ship and we are fortunate in having movies every night. OF course some of them are pictures that I have seen back in the “States” but quite a number of them are comparatively new so we break about even.
The weather is just like August back on the Bryant Campus. I just can’t imagine that it is December and possibly there has been snow back in “Little Rhody”. I can readily see why people during peacetime pay quite a bit of money to spend the winter over here. Imagine a sight such as a pretty girl pedaling down the street on her bicycle in December with a playsuit on. That is just a common sight over here but if I saw that back in Providence I would think I was going out of my mind. Ha! Ha!
Well, Friends, I guess that’s all the news for now so before closing I want to thank you again for the lovely remembrance at Christmas time and my hope is to be able to visit dear old Bryant sometime in the near future.
Bill Grace
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