WWII;Harold R. Hobson;AAF
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[Transcription begins]
April 5, 1943
Members of Bryant Service Club:
Words can hardly express how surprised and glad I was to receive the package from the Bryant Service Club. I gratefully appreciate the gift and wish to extend my sincere thanks to the club.
For the present, at least, I’m comfortably situated at Miami Beach, the “playground of the South.” I was lucky in getting a job in the office; I feel as if I owe a great deal to Bryant training for being placed where I am. I’m anxiously looking forward to a real good experience in office work while in the Army which might get me somewhere in civilian life after the war.
The Service Club news letter came about a week ago and was very informative and interesting. I can quite understand the reason for mimeographing the letters, as the list of men in service must be long by now and still growing. It must be a full time job keeping track of all those entering the service.
Bryant must be quite changed with so many of the professors leaving. Without Prof. Shors of Iowa and Prof. Lee of the metropolitan city of Pawtucket, the college would look as if something important was missing. However, they are doing important work in helping with the war effort, and maybe Bryant will be favored with their services again. I suppose Prof. Gulsky [sic] is still planting his corn; his jokes were about the corniest I’ve heard, but it made the hard work and tough problems seem so much easier and we did have lots of fun.
The weather is fine here and I’ll bet there are many who wish they could be in my place. The ocean is just across the street and the swimming is swell; oftentimes the water is warmer than the air, which is usually pretty warm itself.
I was one of those who were lucky enough to be transferred to permanent post before finishing my basic training. The basic period is 25 days for the Air Forces and I only completed seven. It seemed good to get away from the drilling and live a civilized life once more. I am practically living a life of a civilian, except that they don’t have to fall out for roll call or take callisthenics [sic]every day.
Once again accept my sincere thanks. You can hardly realize what it means to hear from you and how much the gift is appreciated.
Gratefully yours.
Harold R. Hobson
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