"Public Accounting vs. Private Accounting: Student Intentions" by Robert Lazzaro


Robert Lazzaro

Document Type


First Faculty Advisor

Cullinan, Charles


Accounting; Careers; Internships; Public; Private


Bryant University

Rights Management

All rights retained by Bryant University and Robert Lazzaro


Most accounting students are faced with a big decision as they near the end of their undergraduate career. Will they work toward the Certified Public Accountant license and enter public accounting or will they will choose private accounting? Both fields have their pros and cons which makes this a difficult decision. This research indicated that students more focused on extrinsic rewards, such as compensation, are more likely to choose public accounting, while students more focused on lifestyle factors, such as work-life balance, are more likely to choose private. These findings were derived from surveys distributed to accounting students at Bryant University. The results are analyzed and discussed in an attempt to help both students seeking top notch jobs, and recruiters looking to attract top talent to their companies.

Included in

Accounting Commons
