"Predicting the S&P500: A Statistical Analysis of Presidential Tweets a" by Christopher Ethier

Document Type



David Louton, Editorial Reviewer

First Faculty Advisor

Alicia Lamere


Statistics; Economics; Finance


Bryant University

Rights Management

This work is licensed under a CC BY-NC-ND license.


With the advent of social media and the explosion in popularity in them, efforts to use the information contained within them has become more and more relevant. Microblogging sites such as Twitter provide a deep information network about individuals as well as our society. With the election of President Trump, and with it his increased usage of the site, unorthodox events are now part of the norm. This paper attempts to quantify the influence President Trump has on financial markets using Twitter, in addition to using economic indicators, and to predict the value of the S&P500 using these predictors.

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