Document Type


First Faculty Advisor

Coakley, Lori


Intergenerational Groups, Workplace Management


Bryant University


With intergenerational groups becoming more common in the workplace, research is still focusing on how to manage working in intergenerational groups rather than how to promote the benefits of using intergenerational groups. Generations have different work values and attitudes. However, it is unclear whether putting diverse generations together will lead to better outcomes in a team setting. Using surveys and interviews of a convenience sample of all age groups, the study examines how generational perception influences the behavior and desire to work with other generations. Although there are stereotypes linked to each generation, respondents still desire to work with multiple generations to get alternative perspectives. The three key findings are that everyone stereotypes based on generation, yet most people want to work with Generation X and Y. Limited respondents have received training on generational differences, but those who have perceive intergenerational groups to be more beneficial than those without training. Lastly, although society understands the need and perceived benefit of intergenerational groups, results show they would prefer to work with generations closest to them in age.
