"What About Them? The Health and Well-being of Those Who Care for Other" by Catherine Papayannopoulos

Document Type


First Faculty Advisor

Harsh Luthar

Second Faculty Advisor

Ron Deluga


well-being; wellness; healthcare workers


Bryant University

Rights Management



Employee Health and Wellness Programs are increasingly more prevalent in different work environments and industries. Studies have shown that these programs can potentially increase employee productivity and reduce absenteeism, in addition to emphasizing a priority on mental and physical wellness. Healthcare workers already have a stressful job, but since the breakout of COVID-19, they have been overwhelmed with this pandemic to an even higher degree. It is important that healthcare workers take care of their own health and wellness and that it is prioritized at their place of work. Through surveying various healthcare workers, this study investigates if healthcare professionals are provided with employee well-being options or programs and whether it has an effect on their own well-being. The conclusions of the study indicate that healthcare workers have lower general-well-being than recommended standards, that healthcare workers are unaware of wellness programs or initiatives at their place of work, and that most healthcare employers do not offer sufficient wellness programs. The recommendations collected from healthcare employees about what they would like out of a wellness program allow for further studies to analyze the implementation of such initiatives and any potential changes in the well-being of healthcare workers as a result.
