Document Type



A study of intuition and differences in intuition amongst different groups.

First Faculty Advisor

Ronald Deluga

Second Faculty Advisor

Peter Nigro


intuition; men; women


Bryant University

Rights Management

CC - BY - NC - ND; CC - BY; CC - BY - SA; CC - BY - ND; CC - BY - NC - SA; CC - BY - NC


Intuition, or the ability to quickly interpret a situation and make a decision without the use of the conscious mind, is a phenomenon that has gained a lot of popularity amongst psychologists over the last couple of decades. The phenomenon, which has been a part of human life since neanderthal days, gained a lot of popularity in the early 20th century, thanks to the work of Sigmund Freud and Carl Jung. Studies have shown differences in levels of intuition amongst various groups. The most profound differences observed have been those between men’s and women’s levels of intuition. This paper dives into differences in levels of intuition amongst different genders, age groups and races. The study will utilize the Types of Intuition Scale (TIntS) test to determine a sample of anonymous participants’ intuition levels. The results from the study will indicate the specific groups that have higher levels of intuition as well as the specific groups that have lower levels of intuition. Using these findings, the paper will dive into the possible reasons for these results.

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Psychology Commons
