Schuyler D. Hoslett, Bryant President from 1968-1970 | Presidents’ Biographies | Bryant University

In July of 1968 Dr. Schuyler Dean Hoslett, dean of the College of Business Administration at the University of Hawaii, became president of Bryant College. Hoslett had been on the faculty of the Graduate School of Business and Public Administration at Cornell University and had taught at Columbia University where he founded and directed the Executive Program in Business Administration. From 1961-1963 Hoslett served as a consultant for the Ford Foundation to the governments of Nigeria and Indonesia He was also a former vice president of the Dun and Bradstreet Group. Hoslett wrote numerous articles about business management and human relations, and is the author of the book Human Factors in Management.

Hoslett’s advocacy for a Bryant graduate school resulted in the establishment of an MBA program which began enrolling students in the Fall of 1969.

In October 1969 Hoslett took a medical leave of absence and subsequently resigned on January 27, 1970.
