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Assam - - - India
23 January 1945

Dear Gang,

I received your very welcome package, a little late, but nevertheless welcome. The fact that it was late was no fault of yours because none of my packages from Uncle Sugar arrived up in this neck of the woods until after the 15th of January.

I was very surprised to receive a Christmas card from one of the boys from the Class ’40, Lt. Bill McGrath and his buddy Ed Cafferty. Bill must have been home on furlough because his card was addressed from Providence.

The address that you have is still my current one and from the looks of things it probably will be for some time to come, but you can rest assured that if it does change you will be one of the first to be notified, because it sure is good to hear from you folks back there and to hear what’s going on back at the old Alma Mammy.

Thanks again for the package. Give XXX my regards to all the gang and here’s hoping I’ll be able to come up and see you all in person not too far in the future.

"Al" Houle

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