
Bryant University Undergraduate Journal

About this Journal

As a space intended to both cultivate and house innovative projects exploring the intersections of various STEM, humanities, and business fields, The Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies in Business, Humanities, and Science was inaugurated in Fall 2019 with the volume “Introducing the Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies: Exploring Narrative, Space, Waste, and Green Investment Strategies,” wherein students enrolled in LCS-240: Introduction to the Environmental Humanities developed a culminating ecocritical project that applied key theories and themes of the course to their own respective majors and various ecologies in and around Bryant’s campus and curricula.

The journal, under the collective guidance of Bryant faculty and staff interested in contributing to editorial duties required on a volume-to-volume basis, accepts contributions grounded in work conducted for course credit as well as contributions based on work performed outside of a curricular context.