
Bryant University Undergraduate Journal


The creative project that I chose to make is a visual representation on the website “Creately” where I created a map of categorizations. I call the map that I created “The Road Ahead.” There are three sections, “where we were”, “where we are”, and “where we’re going”, and within these grounds I made a bank of major concepts and key terms that we have studied and explored throughout this semester; the map is essentially a word bank and concept organization of all the ideas from this course that were discussed and were threaded through the readings. The structure that I followed within my map is categorizations of our readings, where some pertain to explaining where we used to be, some to our current situation, and others reflecting where we are headed (ecologically, environmentally, and socially). I essentially incorporated three of the major topics from the first option (the essay) into my map, consisting of oceanic acidifications and plastic pollution, Indigenous ecocriticism, and slow violence and environmental racism. These topics work collectively and through each other in my project to ultimately explain that understanding the past is key in projecting the future as well as coming to terms with the current environmental troubles we are experiencing. The overarching purpose of my bank of terms and synthesis is to be able to understand the world in which we have descended to ultimately synthesize the situation we are in today and in the projected future, in the inevitable environmental crisis that we are spiraling toward.


LCS 240 Introduction to the Environmental Humanities

First Faculty Advisor

Maura Coughlin, PhD
