Items listed here may include publications such as complete books, chapters in books, encyclopedic type entries, and/or books edited by Modern Languages faculty. Starting in the fall of 2023, the Communication Department merged with the Modern Languages Department to become the Communications and Language Studies Department. Please click on the following link to see faculty publications from September 2023 to the present: Communications and Language Studies Faculty Book Publications.


Submissions from 2020


Juntos: Italian for Speakers of English and Spanish, Clorinda Donato, Cedric Joseph Oliva, Manuel Romero, and Daniela Zappador Guerra


Intercomprehension of the Romance Languages in the L3+ University Classroom: Bridging the Gap between Student Perceptions and Abilities, Cedric Joseph Oliva and Alan Gómez Larriva

Submissions from 2019


New words in contemporary Chinese language use, Yun Xiao


Chinese discourse from diverse perspectives, Yun Xiao and Linda Tsung


Current Studies in Chinese Language and Discourse, Yun Xiao and Linda Tsung