"Slow versus fast: how speed-induced construal affects perceptions of a" by Sukki Yoon, Hyejin Bang et al.

Slow versus fast: how speed-induced construal affects perceptions of advertising messages

Document Type



construal level theory; information processing; consumer behavior; advertising

Identifier Data



Taylor & Francis

Publication Source

International Journal of Advertising


Marketing communications often feature objects that move slowly or rapidly, or images appearing in slow or rapid succession. This article provides a report of results of four studies investigating consumer perceptions and construal arising from the pace of commercials, which then affects consumer decision making. Studies 1 and 2 provide empirical evidence showing that TV commercials featuring slow-moving (fast-moving) objects will prompt high level (low-level) construal, and cause consumer preferences for desirability (feasibility) advertising appeals that emphasize product benefits (attributes). Studies 3 and 4 alters the running speed of TV commercials and demonstrate the same results with quality (price) advertising appeals: that is, when TV commercials are run slowly (rapidly), consumers prefer desirability (feasibility) advertising appeals that emphasize quality (price). Theoretical and practical implications for the effects of speed perceptions in the marketplace are discussed.
