
World War II;Southwest Pacific

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Feb. 28, 1943

Dear Bryant Service Club,

Thank you very much for the cigarettes. They reached me in fine shape but just a little late for Christmas. You see, I have been traveling around quite a bit and the package had to catch-up with me. However I really appreciate hearing from Bryant any time.

I am now on an island in the Southwest Pacific and am living in the middle of a jungle. It is a rough and crude life, but I became used to it after the first month. The only other people, that is other than Marines, who are on the island are natives. They are friendly but not very much civilized. I am sorry that I cannot tell you more about this place and what is going-on.

Your club is doing a fine service. It gives a fellow a great feeling to know that his college and friends are behind him even over here.

As it is getting dark I will have to stop writing and clean-up my .45 automatic and submachine-gun. They are the best friends you have on the island, and it pays to take care of them. Please give my regards to the “profs.” And let me hear from you once in a while.

A. E. Rockwood

Lt. Alfred E. Rockwood, U.S.M.C.R.
Co. “C”, [?] Replacement Bn.
c/o Fleet Post Office
San Francisco
California [Transcription ends]