
George J. Ross


WWII;George J. Ross

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[Transcription begins]
March 26, 1943
Finance Section
Hqtrs, 3rd Air Forces
Tampa, Florida

The Chairman of
The Bryant Service Club

Dear Sir:

Thank you for your most useful gift of two Camel 50’s. Your kindness and thoughtfulness is greatly appreciated.

I recently celebrated my second anniversity [sic] as a soldier, having been inducted in Providence on March 18, 1941. I have seen a lot of the army since then.

Until recently I was located at Dale Mabry Field, Tallahassee, Florida, in the Finance Department, where I served in various capacities, culminating in my appointment as Assistant Finance Officer, upon my promotion to Warrant Officer on December 1, 1942.

However, my Uncle Sam had other plans in the making for this soldier. On February 1, 1943, I was transferred to the Finance Section at headquarters here in Tampa, Florida.

I remember well, my saying on several occasions that I would like to spend a winter in Florida. Little did I think my Uncle Sam would be the “fixer-upper” in that regard.

In your recent letter you mentioned Henry J. Lee as being a “Major.” I would appreciate your sending me his military address if you can.

Thanks again for the cigarettes and so long for now.

George J. Ross
[Transcription ends]