
WWII;Eugene K. Schmidt

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July 3, 1943

Bryant Service Club,

Received your package just before pay day came around, so you can well imagine how they were appreciated.

You will probably note that I have a change in address, and it certainly was a good change. Left Camp Hulen, Texas, the second week in May, and had a very beautiful trip thru Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, and California. Came thru the desert and it was rather warm but never-the-less very beautiful.

Camp Haan is located about 8 miles from Riverside, and a swell little city—full of palm trees and orange groves, and a large share of mountains. Came here with a cadre and activated the 567th A.A.A.

Since our arrival we have been having more classes to keep us busy, but next week our fillers are coming in, and then we start training.

Three weeks ago I took a three day pass and went to Los Angeles, and Hollywood, but spent most of the time in Hollywood as we had a better time there.

One afternoon we visited the Universal Studios, and met many actors and actresses that we’ve all seen on the screen. Also was quite interested in watching them “shoot” on set.

A service man out here is just about king (when on pass, of course). I certainly felt that way when we went to the Hollywood canteen and danced with some beautiful actresses. The only bad feature there is that others may wish to be in your shoes, and a tap on the shoulder and they are. Of course you heard about the zuit [sic] suit riots in Los Angeles at that time, so we won’t go into that.

The middle of June we went to Camp Irwin for 10 days on the range—Camp Irwin may sound nice, but it is actually 40 miles from the nearest anything, and is in the middle of the Mojave desert (Mo-Harvey).

We shot the .30 cal.; .45 cal.; .50 cal. M. G. and the 40 m/m, went thru the infiltration course, over obstacle courses, chased lizzards [sic], ducks, rattle snakes, and a million other things. It was a nice place to see for a couple of hours, but for staying, no!

Hear from many of my classmates, and it sure brings back some swell memories. After the war, I think you will find many alumni around school wanting to see their old friends and faculty.

Hear that it still rains in Providence. The last time I saw rain was a light shower, two and a half months ago. It’s nice out here, but no matter what anyone tells you, New England is the best part of the country, and I’m certainly looking forward to the day I get back there to stay.

Eugene Schmidt
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