Items listed here may include publications such as complete books, chapters in books, encyclopedic type entries, and/or books edited by Science and Technology Department faculty. Entries are prior to the creation of the School of Health and Behavioral Sciences in May 2022. For publications after that date, please click on the following link:Biological and Biomedical Sciences Faculty Book Publications.


Manuscripts from 2019


Mechanisms of Autoimmunity and Pharmacologic Treatments, Doreen E. Szollosi, Kirsten Hokeness, and Mohammed K. Manzoor

Manuscripts from 2014


Statistical Inference for Everyone (sie), Brian S. Blais

Manuscripts from 2010

Characterization of Lipid-linked Oligosaccharides by Mass Spectrometry, Christopher W. Reid; J. Stupak; and C, Szymanski

Manuscripts from 2007

Campylobacter Metabolomics, D. J. McNally, Christopher W. Reid, J. R. Brisson, and E. Soo

Manuscripts from 2005

The Geobiology and Ecology of Metasequoia, Ben A. LePage, Christopher J. Williams, and Hong Yang

Manuscripts from 2004

Theory of Cortical Plasticity, Leon N. Cooper, Nathan Intrator, Brian S. Blais, and Harel Z. Shouval