"Letter Written by William F. Shors to the Bryant College Service Club " by William F. Shors


WWII;William Shors

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23 Hemlock R[oad]?
Hingham Mass.
8 April 1945

Bryant Service Club
Bryant College
Providence R.I.

Dear friends:

It was a pleasure to receive the news bulletin with all the news concerning my former students and associates. The Easter box of candy arrived in perfect condition and I enjoyed it very much. It is gratifying to those of us who are away from Bryant to know that we are remembered by our old friends.

At present I am attached to the Office of Supervisory Cost Inspector USN, 1st Naval District and I hope that my work will take me to Providence and that I will have the opportunity of renewing old acquaintances.

Yours sincerely
Lt. Wm F. Shors SC USNR
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