It's Okay to Not Have a Vision, Yet


Carlos Meltz

Document Type



Bryant; TedX; vision


Bryant University

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All rights retained by Bryant University.


Everyone has a disaster in their life. Instead of falling victim to these conditions, create opportunities and produce great things out of it. It is all part of taking massive action for a better quality of future self. Carlos started his college education in Puerto Rico, where his university went on strike against the local government, resulting in multiple riots and injuries on the island's citizens. While these events happened, instead of waiting for the riots to settle down he dropped his studies that year to travel to Colombia to give English classes to impoverished children, teens, and adults. After backpacking, traveling, and giving back to the community, he returned home in hopes to pursue my bachelor's but was struck by a category 4 Hurricane Maria. It was at this moment he decided to move to the United States to finish his education with the quality he knew he deserved. He developed an algorithm on the Foreign Exchange Market, currently getting certified to be a Social Media Marketing Agent, and is completing his Finance Degree at Bryant University.
