Confidence is a Choice: Real Science. Superhero Impact.


Alyssa Dver

Document Type



Bryant; TedX; confidence; neuroscience


Bryant University

Rights Management

All rights retained by Bryant University.


Science explains why and how confidence is actually everyone's innate superpower and ongoing choice. Alyssa is the CEO and co-founder of American Confidence Institute, serving as the Chief Confidence Officer. Every day she strives to give real, sustainable confidence to as many people as possible by using basic brain & social science to explain how confidence works inside our brains and impacts our behaviors. Her journey has included being a Chief Marketing Officer, entrepreneur, and consultant. Her inspiration sparked through her son's diagnostic of a lifelong neurological disability. She found maternal fearlessness to ask cross-disciplinary questions and seek non-traditional medical solutions that not only cured her son, but proved to dramatically boost anyone's confidence.
