Document Type

Personal Letter


Katherine Trickey; WWII

Rights Management

All rights retained by Bryant University


Army and Navy Masonic Service Center Letterhead [Transcription begins]

26 Mar 45

7.30 PM.

Dear Folks,

I am writing this here in Macon at one of the nice little writing desks. Marj and I are waiting for 9.30 to go to a lecture by Ericka [Erika] Mann. (1) We came in early so that I could check bus & train schedules about going to Charleston S.C. I was hoping that I might be able to go to see Vera Fenlason at Stark Hospital this week-end but I find that I’d have to have Monday morning off to make it and I don’t know whether I can do it or not. I’d certainly like to see her. She may, of course, be transferred North by this time. I saw the notice in Friday’s Bangor paper which came today. I’ll check with the Red Cross before I go anyway.

Yesterday I had Donald Goodness from Brewer up to dinner. He seemed to enjoy it and I was glad to have him.

Saturday night Marj & I went to a college play at Wesleyan Conservatory. It was a mystery play “Ladies in Waiting”, a very good play for an all girl cast.


Tomorrow is glee club again and baseball practice. Can’t decide which to go to. Glee club will stop in about 2 weeks; I hope.

I played 3 sets of tennis yesterday got beaten as usual 7-5, 6-2, 6-1. Drake is certainly much better than I am.

I have on my summer tropical worsted suit tonight and it is plenty warm for it. I hope it stays warm for over Easter.

By the way, our sunrise service from 7.30 to 8.30 Eastern War Time will be broadcast over the Columbia Network.


I don’t expect to be there but you might care to listen anyway.

Marj & I had planned to go to Atlanta – had a room and everything – Then she found out she was going to have to work Sunday. So we gave up our reservation. I’ve have (sic) volunteered to do KP Sunday but if I find that I can go to see Vera I’ll try to beg off but probably I won’t be able to get Monday morning so won’t go away.

You can be pretty sure, I guess, that I’ll be doing K.P. Easter is one of the holidays that the officers & 1st 3 graders do the work so the


girls may have a real holiday. As I never have to do it now, it is only fair to take it on holidays but it is a purely volunteer proposition.

Well, must stop now as the time is getting on.

Love to all


(1) Erika Mann was a German actress, writer, war correspondent, and daughter of the writer Thomas Mann. She opposed and spoke out against Nazism.

[Transcription ends]