Document Type

Personal Letter


Katherine Trickey; WWII

Rights Management

All rights retained by Bryant University


[Transcription begins]

13 Nov – 1945

Dear Mother & Dad,

I guess I’ve slipped on writing again! Can’t even remember when I wrote last! –

Nothing particularly exciting here yet – same old grind. I rather expect that orders will come in on some of the girls this week which will be the beginning of the end of the Detachment.

You know, for all I’m anxious to get home, I still feel sad about leaving. – It looks now as if I would not get held here except until a quota comes through from Separation Center. I have a replacement to train this week and there is a lieutenant who is doing all the storage of the records – so Saturday I’ll submit my letter requesting discharge and then it will be a matter of from one to three weeks before there is an opening in the Separation Center. – So It won’t be long now really.

Marj is not getting out when I do so I shall visit Phil a day or two and go to Washington for a day or two – I want to look around New York in the day time before I come home.

I may stay in Boston overnight & see Frank & family & Edith – but I’ll see about that later. Probably when the time comes I’ll not want to waste the time getting home. – Maybe I’ll come home first – and you & I Mother can go back to Boston for a short trip together.

I’ll be sending Boxes & Bags home from now on – I don’t know where you’ll put all the junk I’ve collected. You’d better open each as it comes as I may have things you can use in them –



[Transcription end]