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Personal Letter

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Pvt. Lorraine J. Turnbull USMCWR

22nd Trg. Bn. Bks 108, Co B-2

Recruit Depot, Camp Lejeune

New River, N. C.

Miss Jean Turnbull

3009 N. Highland Blvd.



[Transcription Begins]


United States Marine Corps


New River, North Carolina

Dear Jeanne,

The favorite saying around here is: letters! when the hell do you find time to write ‘em? And that’s about the size of it.

Today we got our physicals and when I say they were thorough that’s just what I mean. We got two shots & a vaccination—I can hardly move my arms & they sure hurt.

This morning we had our first inspection of the barracks. Our platoon only got one demerit & that was for a wash rag which was hung wrong. Tomorrow & every Sat. we have Captains insp. so tonight we had G. I.-party. Which is really not a party, but ya work like a dog. Swabbing decks, dusting, polishing brass and getting the place in order & I do mean in ORDER. They sure are perticular [sic].

Tonight right after chow I was on work detail—we had to clean a class building. To let you know how well we have to do it—5 or 6 work on one class room for over 45 minutes.

I’ve polished my shoes tonight & now I hate to have to wear them.

Gotta sign off now—lights out soon & I’ll have to hit the deck.

Love, Bub

P. S. We got a winter hat. Gods, it’s cute. Only one girl in the Pl. has had a letter so give.

[Transcription Ends]

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