
Ronnie Wilbur

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Pvt. R Wilbur
A.S.N. 31447414
Btry B 12th A.A.R.T. Bn
Camp Stewart

April 17, 1944

Bryant Service Club

I was indeed pleased to receive your Easter package the other day. As you can see I have changed camps since I last heard from you. For this reason the package was a little late in getting to me and I was unable to express my thanks to you sooner.

It certainly makes a fellow feel good to receive something from his old college friends, and I know the other Bryant boys feel the same as I do.

The other night I met Johnny Dufault down here. John used to sit next to me when I was back at Bryant.

I am looking forward to the day when I shall return to Bryant as a student, for we all realize what an education means in times such as these and those to come.

Thanking you again, I remain-

Yours Truly,
Ronnie Wilbur

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