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120 Allen Avenue
Riverside, R. I.
June 15, 1943

Dear Miss Blaney:

I thank you for the friendly letter which I received this morning and I was glad to get it.

We also received a letter from Warren this morning where he writes that they might go back to Camp Gordon again.

Last Fall when Warren was inducted he left home Saturday September 26th arriving at Fort Devens about 1:00 o’clock the same day. On Tuesday September 29 he called and told that he was leaving for parts unknown. On Thursday Oct. 8th we received the first letter from him he was stationed at Camp Crowder, Missouri in the Engineers Regt. On December 22nd he was transferred to Camp Gordon, Georgia in the Tank Destroyer Bn.

Warren was home on a 10 day furlough last march. He was home seven days and left from Camp Gordon Friday March 26th.

After he got back to Camp they got ready to go on maneuvers in Tennessee the first part of April and he has been there since going from one place to another all over the state.

I am sorry that Warren neglected to write to The Service Club, but I think that he has had a hard time to be able to keep up and we will have to forgive him.

We will be glad to tell Warren and when his address is changed we will write and let you know.

I want to thank you all, words cannot tell how much I appreciate everything you have done for our son Warren. Thank you all.

Thanking you, I am

Hilda Williamson
Warren’s Mother [Transcription ends]