"Letter Written by William Judson Clark to Dorothy A. Six Clark Dated O" by William Judson Clark

Document Type

Personal Letter

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All rights retained by Bryant University


A/C Judson Clark
Sqdrn 5 Class 45-A
Cadet Detachment
Stewart Field
Newburgh, N. Y.

Miss Dorothy Six
8 Brookside Ave.
Pelham, New York

[Transcription begins]:

Teusday [sic]
7 p.m.

Dearest Dottie,

Things are looking dark, very dark. Ol’ man weather has really closed in up here for the past two mornings. We are now six hours behind schedule, and one more day of fog means we fly Saturday afternoon. Of all the times for that to happen. Gosh Dottie, even Nature’s against me. It’s not positive that we will fly this weekend, but if we do, I’ll call you Thursday night, about seven o’clock. So keep your fingers crossed, beautiful.

I almost got in the movies today. There was a Pathe´ News cameraman up here taking pictures of the new parachute training class we have. He wanted everyone in blue sweat clothes, and naturally I only had my grey ones. So when you see the newsreel, look for a dejected looking figure, dressed in grey, sitting on the sidelines, that’s me! Well, things are tough all over I guess.

I’ve got some navigation to do, so I’ll have to sign off. Remember, if I don’t call Thursday, come on up Saturday. The best to the best— Judd
[Transcription ends]