"Letter Written by Dorothy A. Six Clark to William Judson Clark Dated O" by Dorothy A. Six Clark

Document Type

Personal Letter

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All rights retained by Bryant University


Dorothy Six
8 Brookside Avenue
Pelham 65, New York

A/C Judson Clark
Sqdrn 5 Class 45-A
Cadet Detachment
Stewart Field
Newburgh, New York

[Transcription begins]:

Judson dear—

See how good I am! I really meant to answer your letter last week as I’ve already told you.

Golly. I had such a wonderful time this weekend. It seems a shame that it had to end but as you said if it didn’t we wouldn’t appreciate good times. You’re so sweet. My family likes you a lot too.

I’m listening to another mystery now and trying to write at the same time—If this doesn’t make sense that’s my excuse.

Hope that you don’t have to fly this weekend again & that it’s nice next Saturday. Is Jack’s (was that his name?) girlfriend going to call me? What’s her name anyway? How did you make out on that 20 hour check?

There were millions of things that I wanted to write to you but now that I’m actually writing I can’t think of any of them.

Hope that this week goes fast but it will undoubtedly drag & drag & seem centuries long.

Well, Judson, as you can see I’m not much of a letter writer. Please try to write if you have a little time. That will make the week a little shorter.

See you next weekend, honey.

Lots of love—
[Transcription ends]