"Letter Written by William Judson Clark to Dorothy A. Six Clark Dated D" by William Judson Clark

Document Type

Personal Letter

Rights Management

All rights retained by Bryant University


[Transcription begins]:


Dearest Dottie,

I don’t have much time to write tonight, darling. We’re in the middle of clearing the post. Signing papers, turning in equipement [sic], etc. It looks like I might get off Friday night. There’s no news as to the Delay en Route yet. I’ll let you know as soon as anything definite occurs.

We’ve got about eight inches of snow up here now, so I didn’t fly today since the field wasn’t cleared. It should be clear tomorrow, however.

Did you see that beautiful new moon outside, hon? It’s very beautiful out tonight, with that luscious moon and the snow on the ground, what a night to fly.

Well, hon, I’ve got to go now for a while. I love you my darling, will try to write more later—I love you—


God, you’d think I was going to China instead of just somewhere South. I never saw so much junk to sign and get rid of. It’s almost taps, darling so I’ll have to cut it short. I love you, angel, with all my heart. Take care of your sweet self my darling. I love you—

All my Love
[Transcription ends]