"Letter Written by Dorothy A. Six Clark to William Judson Clark Dated D" by Dorothy A. Six Clark

Document Type

Personal Letter

Rights Management

All rights retained by Bryant University


[Transcription begins]:
Monday night.

Dearest Judson,

Golly, today went so fast. I wrote three letters and pasted a few pictures in my photograph album and it’s five o’clock already. I didn’t do anything I had planned to. Was going to get all my Christmas cards addressed but maybe I’ll get that done tomorrow. Honestly, I just can’t understand where the day went. Whenever I’m home the day goes so much faster. Tomorrow I have an appointment for the doctor’s but I’m going to call him & see if I can make it Wednesday instead.

Golly, honey, I hope all this week will go as fast as today did. It’s wonderful how fast they [sic] days go. I’ll have to stay home from work more often—Hah—

Just talked to Charlotte & Bobbie. Gee, honey, I miss you so much. You’re so wonderful and it’s so hard to be away from you. I love you so. You’re a bad boy. Why didn’t you buy your own Christmas presents? Calling Bobby up & getting her to do it. Fine thing.

Honey, what do you want to do this weekend? Ace may be home on Saturday. He has a chance of getting three planes. I wish you were coming home for seven days now, honey. That would be marvelous. Well, we really did have a lot of time, I guess. I[t] doesn’t seem as though we did but I guess we were pretty lucky.

Gee, honey, I love you so. It’s so lonesome without you. How many times have I said that & that I love you—I wonder. Millions probably.

Woody should call any minute now & let me know how she made out in school today. She was really tired. I was too but I slept until nine today. It was nice to lie in bed and not have to worry about getting up.

Eileen Billet announced her engagement this weekend—we beat her to it. I’ll have to read it again and see when they’re getting married. I wish we were getting married Christmas but I suppose everything happens for the best.

Honey, do you think we’ll be able to go south for our honeymoon? I hope that you’re stationed down there & we’ll be able to get there that way. Have your orders come through from Maxwell Field yet? I’ll be praying that they do before Friday.

Today was a horrible day. Looked as though it would rain or snow any second. How was it up at Stewart? Did you fly today? I wish that you’d get those couple of hours in and be able to come home early for Christmas.

Honey, I wish you were here now. Gee, we could have a fire in the fireplace & lie in front of it. Just you and I and grandmaw—nice and cozy like.

Vaughn Monroe is playing “The Love I Longed For.” All we did this weekend was ride in taxis. Gee, I love you so. Honey, please get some sleep this week; you were so tired this weekend. Do your ears still ring?

Gee, honey, I can’t consentrate [sic] on anything but you. I love you so. It’s getting worse & worse—I can’t even read or write anyone but you. The letters I write are all about you or to you.

Do you want to go to the Meadowbrook this weekend? Should I call & make reservations? How do you make them[?] Just ask them for a table for four? I’ve never had to but I imagined that’s the way.

Gee, I’ve been sitting here & looking at my ring. It[‘s] so beautiful, honey. Gee, I love you so. It will be so nice to see you for a few days, I hope, this Christmas. I wish we never had to be separated.

Hon, this war seems endless. It’s just been going on for so long that it doesn’t ever want to stop. Golly, I’ll be the happiest person in the world when this war ends & we can be together forever. Won’t it be marvelous not to watch [the] clock & rush to catch trains & being able to be together whenever we want to be.

Have to call your mother now. Be back in a while. I love you so, honey.

Well, hon, I’m back again. I love you so. Think I’ll go to the city tomorrow & do a little Christmas shopping. That should be a nice job for a commando. The stores are really mobbed at this time of year. You should see the millions of people in one store, all after the same thing—It’s murder.

Honey, if you’re home after Christmas on Tuesday, we should go & look at wedding rings. We won’t have time to do it in March. You[‘ll] want to get married the day you get home won’t you or would you rather wait a few days & get rested from the trip?

Woody was real tired and said she’d write Steve tonight. Gee, honey, I wish you were going to be home all this week & next week and the week after that & every week. Anyway, I wish we could be together forever.

Honey, I wish I could decide what to get Nanny & Mom. I guess maybe if I go & look around I might find something.

Gee, hon, I love you so. I’ll never be able to tell you how much. There just aren’t words enough. I’ll have to spend the rest of my life trying to. What a wonderful way to spend a lifetime.

Steve & Woody seem to be getting along rather well. Really in the groove or are they more in a rut.

Just found out that I started to make a list of people to send Christmas cards to on this paper. What a dope I am. It wouldn’t erase very well so please just ignore it.

Gee, honey, this weekend went so darned fast. This was worse than any of them because we couldn’t be out late Saturday night. That wasn’t fair at all.

Can’t write much more because I haven’t any more paper around. I was a good girl today and stayed off my ankle almost all day. I should get a good conduct ribbon for that. Honey, when I’m with you I’m so happy. Everything is wonderful as long as we can be together.

Wonder what you did today, honey? The only thing that I did well was miss you so much.

That scribbling is the remains of that list. [Referring to a large area of scribbling in the right margin]

Well, my darling, good nigh[t]. I love you.

All my love,
[Transcription ends]