"Letter Written by William Judson Clark to Dorothy A. Six Clark Dated D" by William Judson Clark

Document Type

Personal Letter

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All rights retained by Bryant University


[Transcription begins]:

Wednsday [sic]

Dearest Dottie,

Well hon I’ve got 30 hours on the nose. That brings my total time up to 175 hours and forty seven minutes, it’s really beginning to mount up now. That last ride in the AT-6 was a good one. I was changed to do solo transition and aerobatics, and so was Tom Bent. So I met him at 7,000’ over Aux 2 and we had a merry time chasin’ each other all over the sky. It’s a hell of a lot of fun trying to stay on a guy’s tail, especially when it’s a good pilot like Tom. If there are any new maneuvers in the books we sure did them today.

I sure had the thought of going to advanced and flying those G. D. trucks after flying a sweet ship like this baby. I sure wish I could make pursuit.

We still don’t know where we’re going or when or how—this damned Army!

Gee honey, it’s swell to get long letters from you. I wish we didn’t have to write too, that you could be here with me. You wouldn’t hinder my flying or my work at all, darling you’d help it, but they’re other reasons why we’ve got to wait until March. Not only because I’m not making enough money, or because we wouldn’t have much time together, but honey, what if I ever washed out? We’d be in one helluva mess then, I would only make 50 bucks a month.

I want you to understand darling, that if I ever do wash out (and it happens to the best of us) I couldn’t marry you until I was graduated as a Navigator or Bombadier, I know you’ll understand why, angel. But if I do make it honey, you’ll have a husband on your hands before you know what happened. You bet I want to get married the day I get home darling. I wish it could be the day I graduate, but I guess that would be too much for one day. Gosh I love you—

I’m glad you decided to wait until after Christmas to get another job. That’s the smartest thing to do hon.

I spoke to Steve about Sunday and he said he’d love to come down if we don’t get a delay en route. If we do he’ll probably go home. He said for me to tell you that he thanks you for asking. It was very sweet of you to ask him darling but after all, everything you do is sweet.

Oh, about that 90 days on the post deal after we graduate. All I have to do is pay rent for a room in the B. O. Q. I don’t have to live there. That is considered establishing residency on a Post; it’s an A. A. F. Regulation for newly commissioned officers.

I’m going to try to write Dud soon, when I get the time, but we’ve been busy here lately, I haven’t even written Mom this week. In this outfit you hardly get time to breathe, among other things.

Don’t mind what I say about Bill hon, I know he must be a swell guy if you ever went with him. It’s just that I don’t like what his intentions were toward you darling. And I’m not jealous of him, honey. I trust you completely. I know that if he meant anything to you now hon, you’d tell me. But let’s not talk about that. All I know is that I love you darling, and miss you terribly, you’ll never know how much.

Well darling, I’ve got to go to Link now. I love you hon, and am counting the minutes until I see you again my darling. Until then you have—

All my Love
[Transcription ends]