"Letter Written by Dorothy A. Six Clark to William Judson Clark Dated D" by Dorothy A. Six Clark

Document Type

Personal Letter

Rights Management

All rights retained by Bryant University


[Transcription begins]:

Dearest Judson,

Darling, I wish you’d get home soon. I’m so lonesome, honey—I hope that you can come home Friday. Golly, I miss you so much.

Honey, I love you so. I wish so much that we were getting married this Christmas instead of waiting until March. I love you so, honey.

When we’re together time just goes so fast. Can’t understand it. I hope that these next two months hurry. Every week seems so long and every weekend seems like a few hours or seconds.

Think that Daddy & I will go shopping tonight. I hope not because it’s awfully cold & slippery out. Have to get some stuff for our Christmas tree. Golly, I love you.

Hope that I’ll get a letter from you tomorrow. It’s awful not to hear from you. Oh, I called the doctor last night and changed my appointment for tomorrow instead of today. I’m not looking forward to the visit either.

Gee, honey, I love you so. Why do we have to be separated again[?] Every weekend it’s so much harder to leave you.

Hope that you’re getting a lot of sleep. Honey could you fly yesterday[?] It was a horrible day here & I suppose it was worse there. It snowed here last night—Quite hard. It [missing word(s)] to go down to the city again. That burns me up. What a waste of time & energy.

Tomorrow I have to go & buy Daddy’s presents to mother—More fun. It’s so hard to buy things for other people—wish I knew what to buy your mother & Nanny & the kids.

Gee, honey, it’s going to be so nice to have you home for Christmas. I love you so. Last night’s snow was 6 inches. No wonder I got all wet when I went out today.

You remember—well I can’t. Your sister & mother & I just talked for almost an hour.

Honey, do you have a bad temper? We were discussing that. And another thing. Remember, honey, when we were going to be batchelors [sic] together? Well, one of you[r] pet theories was that a husband should be able to go out with an old girlfriend anytime. Just come home & say “honey, I’ve got a date with so & so”—and that would be the end of it. Have your ideas on the subject changed any, hon? I sure hope so.

By the way, honey, did I tell you that—I mean did I ask you if we could go & look at wedding rings while you’re home for Christmas? (I’m listening to the radio and if this doesn’t make sense that’s one reason). But, hon, I’d like to get married as soon as you get home—a few hours later—if it’s possible at all—so that we wouldn’t waste any of that time. Would you rather wait a few days or what[?] Please answer that question so that I can sorta know what we’re going to do.

Honey, maybe you & Ace will be sent to the same field. Wouldn’t that be nice[?] Honey, have you gotten your orders yet? I sure wish they’d hurry.

Well, darling, it’s getting late. Please write soon, honey. I love you so & miss you terribly.

I love you.

All my love,

P. S. I love you so. More than you’ll ever know. You’re wonderful. Should I address your letters as William Judson or William J. or Judson?
[Transcription ends]