"Letter Written by William Judson Clark to Dorothy A. Six Clark Dated A" by William Judson Clark

Document Type

Personal Letter


[Translation begins]




My Darling,

Well here I am “Deep in the Heart…”

We took off this morning about ten of ten. I got to the field by five o’clock. The bus let me off where #4 turns off and I walked about a mile and a half then got a ride the rest of the way.

I guess you know I walked off with the key and left my raincoat. I sent the key back. I hope the coat wasn’t any trouble angel. What a brain I have- see what you do to me baby?

Well, we stopped in Jackson, Mississippi for lunch, and then made the hop to Ellington field about 18 miles out of Houston where we’re spending the night.

What a town this is. You can’t do anything stag, everything is couples only so I went to the movin’-pictures. Saw Hotel Berlin, some Nazi job, it wasn’t bad.

Gosh how I miss you angel, you sure make my world go ‘round.

Lt. Jones, the flight leader, doesn’t think we’ll be back until Friday. Everybody wants to spend the night somewhere on the way back. These poor guys have been down at Eglin for two years all except the colonel guy, Shaefer, + myself, so I don’t blame them. Maybe I can go on the Eglin. I hope so darling, I miss you and need you so much.

Last night + this morning seems like years ago. It was so wonderful being with you again. Someday we’ll go to a nice secluded place like that for a honeymoon baby.

Well darling I’m keeping these other fellows up. Four of us have a dormitory in the Hotel Rice here. (Six beds to the room- this town’s not crowded- much.)

I love you angel, God how I love you. You’re the sweetest thing in the world honey. Take care of yourself I love you. I’ll go on loving you always, if there’s six feet, six miles, or six hundred miles between us.

I love you;-

Always- Your husband,


[Translation ends]