"Letter Written by William Judson Clark to Dorothy A. Six Clark Dated A" by William Judson Clark

Document Type

Personal Letter


[Translation begins]




My Darling,

Well I finally broke down and stole some ink.

I got in here about three this afternoon.

We left Houston around noon, the weather didn’t clear until then. Flew to Foster Field, headquarters of this God Forsaken place, and then made the hop out the Gulf to Matagorda Island, more lovingly referred to as “Wake’s Wake.”

This is some field- trees, - no; animals, - thousands of rabbits; windy, - my God what a perpetual gale. As for entertainment there’s a movin’-picture, period.

The field itself is alot [sic] bigger than Eglin’s Aux’s but it’s scattered all over the place. The buildings are all dispersed; it looks like the builder’s just decided to slap ‘em up wherever they chose. Tonight I asked for the P.X. and a guy just pointed in the direction I should walk. Trouble was there were several buildings between me and the P.X. It was hell battering my way through them but I made it (the P.X. was closed, by the way).

There isn’t a corner on the field, all the roads are circles interconnected by twenty foot straight-aways. A ruler would go mad in this place.

I guess the gunnery meet is tomorrow, nobody knows, as usual. The only reason they know that the meet was here is that somebody read about it in the Post paper.

I wrote you in Houston but forgot to mail it until I got to Foster Field, then I gave it to some G.I. I hope you get it honey.

Well that’s about all the news darling, except I miss you like the devil. But I guess that’s not news, I’ve been missing you most of our married life.

I guess I won’t be home for our anniversary angel. If I’m not I’ll be thinking about you, maybe next month we’ll be together, I sure hope so.

I love you my darling I hope I’ll be seeing you soon, I miss you so much. Honey, you’re so sweet and lovely, you’re a wonderful wife angel.

I’ll love you always.

Your lonesome husband


PS- I love you.

Always- Your husband,


[Translation ends]